
Digital Library

L’expérience des adolescentes dans l’espace public à Zapopan (Mexique) : analyse de genre et perspec[...]


Amélie Boudot

Faced with an urban context unfavorable to the realization of their right to the city, this research questions the experience in public space of young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly when they are on the move. The research focuses on the experience of young women living in the peripheral and marginalized Miramar neighborhood located in […]


2019 / Thesis and dissertations

Migraciones internas en México. Miradas desde la Geografía Humana


Guillermo Castillo Ramírez

Within the vast universe of migratory processes, internal migration plays a very important role. Today, and worldwide, the number of internal migrants is much higher than that of international migrants. In 2015, the International Organization for Migration, in the World Migration Report, estimated that, while there were approximately 232 million international migrants, there were about […]


2019 / Book

La inseguridad de las jóvenes en los espacios públicos del pueblo Santa María Chiconautla: regulació[...]


Evelyn Mejía López

This dissertation focuses on the forms of social regulation that shape material conditions and practices in the city’s public spaces. The work is set in the urban village of Santa María Chiconautla, on the outskirts of Mexico City. The work aims to contribute to the search for solutions to the acute problem of violence against […]


2020 / Thesis and dissertations

Vivir entre lo real y lo virtual. La hibridación del espacio público urbano Doctorado en Urbanismo


Luis Enrique Mendoza Aguilar

This thesis takes the COVID-19 pandemic as a crisis situation that has acted as a catalyst for the growth in the development and adoption of digital technologies, fostering a process of hybridization of public life that has divided its activities between the physical world and the virtual world, a process of which it is still […]


2023 / Thesis and dissertations

Mujeres habitando la ciudad. Transgresiones, apropiaciones y violencias


Multiple Authors

The book constitutes an empirical, theoretical and methodological exploration of the spatial experiences of women who inhabit the city and transgress diverse limits, mainly in Mexico City, but also with two contrasting cases in Bogota and Rio de Janeiro. It contributes to a novel reflection on inter- and transdisciplinarity, focusing in particular on what the […]


2022 / Book

Libertad en tolueno. Una experiencia de nacer, crecer, vivir y sobrevivir en la calle


Lorena Emilia Paredes González

This thesis explores the body of a young woman from the street in the experience of solvent consumption, from her birth to her evolution in street life. Six chapters are presented, beginning with Libertad’s life story and giving way to chapter two, which discusses physical anthropology and bodily experience. Chapter three explores the phenomenon of […]


2018 / Thesis and dissertations

Appropriation des espaces publics à Saint-Léonard : enjeux et solutions, en photo


Multiple Authors

For over a decade, Saint-Léonard, with its predominantly Italian population, has been undergoing rapid demographic change, due to the migration of families from North African, Middle Eastern and Latin American countries. This new socio-demographic and cultural composition raises issues and tensions concerning the use and sharing of public spaces. Our research project draws on theories […]


2022 / Book

Habitar cuerpos expandidos: el urbanismo capacitista en la movilidad de las personas con discapacida[...]


Laura Paniagua Arguedas

The research refers to the bodily experiences of people with disabilities in the face of Able urbanism, through was conducted between 2017 and 2021 in urban areas of Costa Rica, through a qualitative approach, using mobile interviews (dialogue in movement, conducting observation and in daily tours recorded with audio and video). In this work, […]


2022 / Thesis and dissertations

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