
Digital Library

Moverse en ciudades que arrinconan: las personas con discapacidad frente al urbanismo capacitista de[...]


Laura Paniagua Arguedas

This article presents the experiences of people with disabilities when moving in Mexico City in the face of able-bodied urbanism, a system of domination in which the forms, uses and management of the city give privileges and attention to the needs of people considered “able”, “full-bodied”, “intelligent” or “healthy”. A case study is presented with […]


2023 / Scientific articles and chapters

Moverse y habitar la ciudad: dos caras de la misma moneda


Laura Paniagua Arguedas

With the work, a system of domination called capacitism is given account of and that in the space of the city is presented as capacitist urbanism, that is, a system in which the forms, uses and management of the city give privileges and attention to the needs of people considered “capable”, with “complete bodies”, “intelligent” […]


2022 / Medias

Movilidades cotidianas de las personas con discapacidad en Ciudad de México y San José (Costa Rica):[...]


Laura Paniagua Arguedas

The purpose of this article is to present some initial questions on the role of urban planning and its role in meeting the urban mobility needs of people with disabilities in two Latin American cities. The paper is divided into three sections: the first presents some details on the contexts in which the analysis was […]


2021 / Scientific articles and chapters

L’expérience des adolescentes dans l’espace public à Zapopan (Mexique) : analyse de genre et perspec[...]


Amélie Boudot

Faced with an urban context unfavorable to the realization of their right to the city, this research questions the experience in public space of young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly when they are on the move. The research focuses on the experience of young women living in the peripheral and marginalized Miramar neighborhood located in […]


2019 / Thesis and dissertations

Spatial logic and the distribution of open and green public spaces in Hanoi: Planning challenges in [...]


Multiple Authors

Vietnam recently started to recognise the multiple benefits brought by open and green spaces to urban population and environment. In this paper, we analyse the provision of open and green spaces (parks, public gardens and lakeshores) in Hanoi. Using a model proposed by Talen (2010), we examine the spatial evolution of these spaces between 2000 […]


2018 / Scientific articles and chapters

Perception of obstacles to park access and park use amongst youth in Hanoi: How cultural and local c[...]


Multiple Authors

Urban parks offer many benefits for youth, including providing a place to express and build their social identity. Yet we know very little about how this group accesses and uses parks in Vietnam, and in non-western urban contexts in general. This paper begins to fill this gap by using the case of Hanoi where youth […]


2019 / Scientific articles and chapters

Youth Access to Public Space during COVID-19 Pandemic in Hanoi, Vietnam


Multiple Authors

Vietnam is considered to overcome COVID-19 pandemic rather successfully by applying strict measures to prevent transmission, including quarantine and social distancing. It has created impacts on youth access to public space. This is a case study on young people in Hanoi, Vietnam based on the combination of an online survey with 325 respondents and 15 […]


2020 / Scientific articles and chapters

Urban Migrant Labor : Public Spaces and Social Integration (Review on Studies in Vietnam)


Multiple Authors

La migration urbaine est une tendance indispensable de l’urbanisation. Les travailleurs migrants contribuent beaucoup au développement des villes ainsi qu’au bien-être des communautés et des familles. Basé sur l’analyse de recherches menées auprès de quatre travailleurs migrants, dont des vendeurs de rue, des ouvriers industriels, des aides domestiques et des travailleurs du petit secteur des […]


2020 / Scientific articles and chapters

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