
Digital Library

Transitar y sentir la calle: un análisis desde el género a partir de las narrativas de jóvenes con e[...]


Multiple Authors

In this article, we seek to explore the meanings associated with street living among young people with experiences of problematic substance use in treatment centers in Mexico City.


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

Jóvenes viviendo en el borde. Reflexiones metodológicas desde la cartografía transgresiva


Multiple Authors

In this project, we seek to understand consumption and violence from the perspective of subjective experience, beyond the therapeutic relationship or institutional boundaries. To this end, we have developed an interdisciplinary mapping methodology, which we reflect on in this text. We start from the premise that placing young people’s experience at the center of analysis […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

Involucrar el cuerpo y los afectos de las y los sujetos, investigadores y artistas en la co-construc[...]


Multiple Authors

This chapter articulates a multilevel reflection on the various theoretical and methodological perspectives that have guided the TRYSPACES project in Mexico in general and the way we approached the “subjects of study” and one of the central concepts of the project, transgressions in urban public space. The text reflects on our own research experience, the […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

Nuevas realidades de la migración en México. Cambios y continuidades


Ana Melisa Pardo-Montaño

The intention of this paper is to present a general diagnosis of some of the problems derived from current migratory movements in Mexico. In its majority, it is possible to observe as a transversal axis the recognition of the presence of the different actors involved in the different population movements, which given the political conditions […]


2021 / Book

Más allá de la emigración. Presencia de la población extranjera residente en México


Multiple Authors

The analysis of migration originating from the different contexts presented in this book helps to understand many of the processes of inclusion and exclusion of this population in Mexico. The different methodologies observed throughout the chapters reflect different ways of approaching the study of the presence of the foreign population and the diversity of problems […]


2019 / Book

« J’te parle du Nord ! » réflexions sur un processus de cartographie collaborative


Violaine Jolivet

This article looks back at the mapping process with five young people from the North Montreal borough. The decision to work together using maps was driven as much by the need to gain a better understanding of the perceptions and practices of the neighbourhood as by the aim of establishing a collaborative method based on […]


2024 / Scientific articles and chapters

La producción de Little L.A. en la Colonia Tabacalera, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México


Manuel Andrés Agüero Cheix

The general aim of this research is to characterize the mode of production in Little L.A., a central district of Mexico City (colonia Tabacalera). Little L.A. is a production driven by local activists working with Mexicans who emigrated to the U.S. as children and were deported back to Mexico. The thesis seeks to characterize the […]


2021 / Thesis and dissertations

El tianguis cultural del Chopo: Historia y presente de un espacio cultural urbano


Multiple Authors

The pen of journalist Javier Hernández Chelico introduces the book and synthesizes the uninterrupted history of Tianguis Saturdays, from 1980 to the “pandemic stage” in 2020. Subsequently, we situate the Tianguis Cultural del Chopo as one of the countercultural spaces in Mexico City, recalling its relationship with other processes and alternative spaces in the city. […]


2023 / Book

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