
Digital Library

Generación 19S. Cartografía afectiva del sismo del 19 de septiembre 2017 en la ciudad de México


Multiple Authors

Through narrative and participatory mapping, the memory of the actions of young brigadistas after the earthquake of September 19, 2017 in Mexico City is recorded. From the typology of actions, organizational networks, individual and collective trajectories of the brigades, the emotional effects of the experience of being volunteers, and the changes in the use of […]


2020 / Scientific articles and chapters

A French bazaar and a Mexican street market: an object-centered comparative analysis of interstitial[...]


Multiple Authors

A neighborhood bazaar run by a community organization in Saint-Denis in the Greater Paris region, an ‘informal’ cultural street market in downtown Mexico City run by the oldest members of the Punk-Rock community. . . Two spaces that have in common the circulation of objects and a dense web of affective interactions between people and […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

La piel protectora en entornos urbanos violentos. Acerca de los tatuajes religiosos en México


Multiple Authors

The text deals with tattoos as visible manifestations of urban violence. However, while remaining visibly violent, religious tattoos have a protective function in everyday life. Based on numerous testimonials, the text addresses the significance of having a tattoo in Mexico. It includes a photographic work comparing the tattooed skin, the tattooist and the urban environment […]


2019 / Scientific articles and chapters

City of repair: Practicing the future in Mexico City


Julie-Anne Boudreau

This essay is based on long-term ethnographic research in Mexico City, and centers on a street epistemology that involves researchers immersing themselves in material street life to explore the relationships between the body, the house and the street in the constant repair of the ( future) city. I assert that Mexico City is not a […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

« Rituel du chaos ». Stabiliser un espace-temps politique dans une ville en perpétuel mouvement


Julie-Anne Boudreau

Rooted in an ethnography of a countercultural street market in Mexico City (Tianguis cultural del Chopo), this article explores the forms of reticular political engagement that have sedimented since the market began occupying the street some forty years ago. How can we grasp the effects of cultural practices on relationships to space, the long-term nature […]


2019 / Scientific articles and chapters

Informalization of the state: reflections from an urban world of translations


Julie-Anne Boudreau

The project to “globalize the concept of informality” requires the circulation of concepts and theories from the “South” to the “North”. It also depends on intertextuality and exchanges between languages and sites of academic production. This essay is a reaction to the collection of texts published in a special issue of the International Journal of […]


2019 / Scientific articles and chapters

Jóvenes consumidores de sustancias ilegalizadas en sectores populares: la centralidad de la calle y [...]


Multiple Authors

In this chapter, we present an analysis of the relationship established by young people from low-income sectors by comparing two different groups: one group is made up of young people who have passed through treatment centers for problematic consumption in Mexico City, and the other is made up of young people who consume marijuana in […]


2021 / Scientific articles and chapters

Jóvenes consumidores de marihuana en Ciudad de México: la pugna por la transformación de las represe[...]


Angela Margoth Bacca Mejia

The chapter explores social representations of marijuana and the people who use it at different levels, from the impetus of normative frameworks encouraged by activists in favor of marijuana regulation, to young people in one of Mexico City’s most populous areas, Iztapalapa.


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

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