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Más de 10 mil universitarios fueron brigadistas en el sismo del 19S


Multiple Authors

Julie-Anne Boudreau, researcher at the Institute of Geography (IGg), and Tonalli Romero, from the University Program for Urban Studies (PUEC), recorded the activity of 45 members of the brigade following the earthquake aged 18 to 30 to document their experiences and emotions in 45 individual cards and more than 60 collective maps.


2018 / Medias

Mueve a brigadistas solidaridad y amistad


Multiple Authors

Researchers from the UNAM Institute of Geography today presented an emotional and affective study of 45 brigade members who took to the streets a year ago to support those affected by the September earthquakes.


2018 / Medias

Resumen en mapas experiencias de brigadistas del sismo del 19S


Multiple Authors

Grâce à une cartography participative, le texte présente les expériences de la brigade seismique 19S.


2018 / Medias

Tristeza, impotencia y enojo, principales emociones de jóvenes brigadistas


Julie-Anne Boudreau

The National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM ) presented the Generation 19S study, which shows the predominant emotions of 45 young brigade members between the ages of 18 and 30, who supported the work of transporting supplies, removing debris, psychological therapies, among other activities… .


2018 / Medias

Urban Logics of Action (AfterCorona #3)


Julie-Anne Boudreau

Drawing on insights from her latest book “Global Urban Politics”, Julie-Anne Boudreau puts the current response to the coronavirus in Mexico City and Montreal in a larger frame of understanding. She elaborates on the difference between urban and state logics of action and its importance to grasping the divergent situations. As a point of hope, […]


2020 / Medias

“¿Que motivaciones tuvieron los brigadistas del 19-S?”


Multiple Authors

The text explains that the University Program of Urban Studies of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) presented the study Generation 19-S. In this study, the participation of 45 members of the brigade is analyzed. We talk about, among other things, social justice, individual trajectories and emotional effects.


2018 / Medias

En el Chopo. Taller sobre la historia del Tianguis del Chopo


Javier Hernández Chelico

This is a description and program of a workshop on the history of the Tianguis del Chopo.


2019 / Medias

Convocatoria a taller de rock juvenil en la Obrera


Roberto Ponce

It’s an invitation to young people to sign up for the “El rock through photography and interviews” workshop, which looks at the history of rock through the record collections and personal stories of rockers at the Tianguis Cultural del Chopo.


2019 / Medias

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