
Digital Library

La recherche à plusieurs voix : effets et défis de l’approche participative


Multiple Authors

The articles in this issue explore the “why” and “how” of participatory research, as well as its effects. An interdisciplinary, multi-voiced dialogue based on the collective experience of the TRYSPACES research partnership, the texts reflect the complexity of participatory research, beyond the current injunctions to collaborate and mobilize knowledge. What does it really mean to […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

Desestigmatizando el oriente. La gestión juvenil de espacios de consumo de mariguana a través del arte


Multiple Authors

In this text we focus on the management of consumption spaces by young people who use marijuana in the east of Mexico City, especially since, derived from the effects of the pandemic and the restrictive measures in relation to mass gatherings that prevented the organization of activities in the street, they took on the task […]


2024 / Scientific articles and chapters

Recuento 2023: Archivo Histórico ahftkd Conectando Comunidades — Informe anual de actividades


Tonatiuh Martínez Moreno

The “ahftkd – Connecting Communities” project is a historical archive that documents the cultural, sports and environmental expressions of the eastern region of the Metropolitan Zone of the Valley of Mexico. It is based on the interconnection of solidarity networks, autonomous, self-managed projects, and civil society organizations that seek to reclaim community identity and promote […]


2023 / cartographies

Convivialiser l’espace public : Quels facteurs environnementaux freinent ou facilitent les con[...]


Lucas Philippe Conan

Through a case study, this dissertation examines the environmental factors in the design of public spaces that facilitate or hinder interactions between different social groups. It also puts to the test Western theories shared between the social sciences and the field of planning in a context of the global South, more precisely in Hanoi, Vietnam. […]


2024 / Thesis and dissertations

Chiller à Montréal. Jeunes est espaces publics en quatre récits


Multiple Authors

The book is the first volume in a series of comics dedicated to “scientific research” by the Presses universitaires de Montréal. The comic aims to popularize the transgressive phenomena studied to the general public, not necessarily academics, and in particular to the youth who are the subject of this research. It also seeks to continue […]


2024 / Comics

Las habitantes de las favelas y el pensamiento de frontera en el contexto urbano. Una perspectiva carioca


Anne-Marie Veillette

Inspired by feminist and decolonial epistemologies, in this chapter I seek to understand how this bodily experience of transformation contributes to producing situated knowledges in the city. The starting points for this reflection are the female favela inhabitants with whom I spent many months, between 2016 and 2019, reflecting on the city. In the course […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

Invisible Geographies: A Study of Migration and Male Homoeroticism in Tijuana through Spinozist Affects.


Rodrigo Perez Toledo

Affect-based theory considers that there are behaviors that cannot be fully understood from rational perspectives. This study follows such theories and seeks to understand the relationship between people and spaces. From the analysis of Spinozist Ethics, I consider that bodies are influenced by previous interactions that lead them to specific acts; and that space is […]


2023 / Scientific articles and chapters

Women as users and dealers of inhalants in the streets of Mexico city: A study on empowerment, coope[...]


Multiple Authors

People who live on the streets in Mexico commonly use inhalants to induce psychoactive effects. Research on the distribution, sale, and consumption of these substances is scarce and mostly focuses on men, which limits the understanding of their use and possible public policies. Our ethnographic research concentrates on women who live and work on the […]


2022 / Scientific articles and chapters

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