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Invisible Geographies: A Study of Migration and Male Homoeroticism in Tijuana through Spinozist Affects.


Rodrigo Perez Toledo

Affect-based theory considers that there are behaviors that cannot be fully understood from rational perspectives. This study follows such theories and seeks to understand the relationship between people and spaces. From the analysis of Spinozist Ethics, I consider that bodies are influenced by previous interactions that lead them to specific acts; and that space is […]


2023 / Scientific articles and chapters

Inventar el espacio urbano por sujetos con prácticas homoeróticas en Tijuana: Afectividad y migraciones


Rodrigo Perez Toledo

This thesis seeks to analyze the relationship that men with homoerotic practices have with their living environment, which is the border city of Tijuana, where they came to live as migrants. The main premise is that the existence of homoerotic practices of the seven men who were interviewed was the most important factor that promoted […]


2018 / Thesis and dissertations

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