
Small public spaces in the residential quarters of Hanoi’s historical inner city: Toward sustainable development

Ta Quynh Hoa

This paper explores the existing situations of small public spaces (including parks, flower gardens, and playgrounds) in the residential quarters of Hanoi’s historical inner city. The research identified issues related to physical conditions, the usage and management of these spaces, planning policies, and legal regulations, and the current roles of stakeholders in managing and developing small public spaces at the neighborhood level. This research is based on the surveys of three residential quarters in the historical inner districts of Hanoi city: Chuong Duong ward, Bach Khoa ward, and Hanoi’s Old Quarter, where 24 small public spaces have been systematically surveyed. The paper proposes several recommendations for improving planning codes and standards of small public spaces, planning and landscape architecture in existing small public spaces in the inner city of Hanoi, and collaborative mechanisms among different stakeholders toward sustainable development.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Hanoi

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: Journal of Science and Technology in Civil Engineering HUCE, vol. 16, no. 2

Language(s) of publication: English

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