
Mujeres de TRYMéxico ocupando el espacio público en el marco de las actividades del movimiento feminista en México

Adriana Avila Farfán , Angela Margoth Bacca Mejia , Julie-Anne Boudreau , Laura Ferro Higuera , Lorena Emilia Paredes González

In Mexico City, since 2011 and uninterruptedly until 2022, various women’s and feminist groups have gathered on March 8 to take to the streets, collectively commemorate and raise their voices for our rights. Previously, in 2007, women marched to the cry of “Women are not spoils of war!”, denouncing the militarization of the country, sexual violence and impunity in cases of aggression against women (Atenco was in the memory [1 ]). However, it was not until after 2011 that the taking of the streets was instituted to assert our rights and demand a life free of violence. Since then, women have taken to the streets of downtown and our slogans have been heard in the guided tours of Avenida Reforma, the Angel of Independence, the Monument to the Revolution, the Ministry of the Interior, the Hemicycle to Juarez, the Monument to the Mother and the Zócalo of Mexico City.

Type of production: Medias

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: TRYSPACES

Language(s) of publication: Español

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