
L’expérience des adolescentes dans l’espace public à Zapopan (Mexique) : analyse de genre et perspectives urbanistiques

Amélie Boudot

Faced with an urban context unfavorable to the realization of their right to the city, this research questions the experience in public space of young girls from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly when they are on the move. The research focuses on the experience of young women living in the peripheral and marginalized Miramar neighborhood located in Zapopan, a municipality in the Guadalajara metropolitan region of Jalisco, Mexico. The research was conducted using a feminist methodological framework, with a qualitative and participatory approach, including data collection methods based on action research and popular education processes with 10 young women aged 15 to 19. Complementarily, information was gathered through documents and semi-directed interviews with 12 key players in the local urban environment to deepen understanding of the situation of young women and the possibilities for intervention.

Type of production: Thesis and dissertations

City: Other

Year of publication: 2019

Publisher: Mémoire de maîtrise, sous la direction de Juan Torres et Alejandra Leal. Université de Montréal.

Language(s) of publication: Español

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