On Thursday, March 16 and 17, 2018, the TRYSPACES Mexico team met on the occasion of the International Workshop “Youth, Public Space and Transgression”, at the Institute of Geography of the National Autonomous University of Mexico. During these two days of work, researchers, partners and students of TRYMéxico had the opportunity to exchange conceptual and methodological tools for the study of youth, public space, and transgression-regulation. During the workshop we had the presentation of Patricio Provencio who talked about the project “Empowering Latin America”. Marcela Meneses shared with us her work on youth and public space based on the study of political graphics in Oaxaca, Mexico. Likewise, Rosío Córdova Plaza, through the study of the “chacales, chichifos and mayates” in Veracruz, Mexico, showed us the reality of young people who reproduce and challenge sexual regimes through sex work. In addition, Nitzan Shoshan, shared with us her research on the case of right-wing extremist youth in Berlin and the micro-tactics of visibility that characterize their interventions. We also had the opportunity to exchange methodological experiences for the development of our research. Collaborative and experiential techniques, cartographic methodologies and methodological approaches that make use of popular education and communication technologies were highlighted.
Type of production: Teaching materials
City: Mexico
Year of publication: 2020
Publisher: TRYSPACES
Language(s) of publication: Español
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