
L’entrepreneuriat pour tous dans les quartiers: production et effets sociaux d’une politique publique d’égalité

Lorena Clément

In light of the media discourse promoting entrepreneurship as an act of freedom, this thesis aims to understand what the public policy of “entrepreneurship for all”, implemented in areas marked by socio-economic precariousness, means and produces. It questions the principle of equality of opportunity advocated in support for business creation and development in urban areas, by studying individuals’ access to the entrepreneurial resources offered by local institutional players, and their effects on their capacity for action. It also questions the existence of entrepreneurial specificities in priority neighborhoods, in terms of profiles, objectives and support methods. The analysis of the local effects of a territorial development policy feeds into the general reflection on the role of public action in the production of social and urban inequalities. Based on a qualitative survey carried out in two study areas, the results reveal the structurally paradoxical nature of support for entrepreneurship in urban policy. It is aimed at social rather than economic objectives, and is open to all. The aim is to adapt support to the specific characteristics of minority groups, in order to acculturate and integrate them into the world of formal entrepreneurship. However, these diverse groups have different access to the entrepreneurial resources on offer, which reinforces the

Type of production: Thesis and dissertations

City: Paris

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: Université Paris-Nanterre

Language(s) of publication: Français

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