
Géographique invisible des adolescents de la ville de Saint-Denis

Abdoulaye Diaw

This internship is part of an action-research project on the invisible geography of young people in the city of Saint-Denis sponsored by the city and supported by the TRYSPACES program. It is oriented both towards understanding the mobility practices and strategies of these young people in an often insecure environment, and towards understanding the representational aspects related to such mobility practices. The data were collected using a variety of tools to capture the practical and representational aspects of the mobility of these young people. The analysis of the materials shows firstly a gendered differentiation in the mobility of girls and boys, secondly an early and very large practice of public space, and thirdly the influence of the endowment and proximity of collective (socio-cultural) facilities in their mobilities.

Type of production: Thesis and dissertations

City: Paris

Year of publication: 2020

Publisher: Rapport de stage. sous la direction de Christine Bellavoine, Mairie de Saint-Denis, Sorbonne Université.

Language(s) of publication: Français



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