
Caminos de Transgresión. Espacios de Construcción de la Subjetividad de las Jóvenes que Consumen Drogas en la Periferia de la Ciudad de México

Aitana Villamar Ruelas , Julie-Anne Boudreau , Katya Vázquez Villanueva , Laura Ferro Higuera

Based on an ethnographic and artistic approach to research in an “addiction” treatment center on the periphery of Mexico City, this paper reflects on the following question: How is young women’s subjectivity constructed as they move through different life spaces, such as addiction treatment centers, the street, detention centers, and homes? Through various mapping exercises with a gender lens, young women explored the articulation between their body, the street, and their memory. These revealed spatiotemporal conceptualizations that shed light on the disciplining of addicted bodies and their own spatial productions. As a result of this work, we present the idea of transgression path to understand howsubjectivities are constructed based on the experience of inhabiting different spaces that have been important for them throughout their lives: the street, homes and public institutions. On these paths, young women shape their subjectivities through circulation and intermittency, bodily experimentations and mental gaps, experience of the street, and bodily performance.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies. vol. 21, no. 3

Language(s) of publication: Español

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