Ana Melisa Pardo-Montaño
This article reports on research focused on the analysis of two categories to understand the current dynamics of migration in Mexico: selectivity and discrimination. Selectivity is understood through the concept of “privileged nationalities” and discrimination through two key concepts: “racialization” and “xenophobia”. To meet this objective, data from the Population and Housing Census and the Intercensal Survey, conducted in Mexico by INEGI (1990-2015), are used. A hemerographic review is carried out with emphasis on the categories indicated and testimonies from groups of different collectives in social networks, virtual spaces where complaints about the rejection of this population have been published, as well as data from the National Institute of Migration (inm) and semi-structured interviews with migrants in transit and residents in Mexico.
Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters
City: Mexico
Year of publication: 2021
Publisher: Clivajes. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, no. 15
Language(s) of publication: Español
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