Lorena Emilia Paredes González
This chapter explores the journey of the body of a young girl from the street population in the experience of solvent consumption, from her birth and her development in street life. Six chapters are presented, beginning with Libertad’s life story to give way to chapter two, where physical anthropology and bodily experience are discussed; chapter three explores the phenomenon of street life and discusses the consumption of solvents as drugs of the poor; chapter four addresses the methodological strategy, where the life story, field observations, multi-sited ethnography and a set of psychometric and neuropsychological tests are compiled, all this to re-construct the experience of the body-person. The fifth chapter narrates the analysis of the life experience and the results of the aforementioned tests. In the sixth chapter, some important topics for analysis are addressed, such as: street work, the interaction of psychology with physical anthropology, can the active be considered as a drug, and what is the role of social research in civil society. This topic is crossed by complex social and cultural processes, which prevent people who are born in the streets from having access to the health system from before their birth. Given the complexity of the phenomenon, it must be addressed from an integrative approach within the biology-culture binomial.
Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters
City: Mexico
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: Instituto de Geografía, UNAM.
Language(s) of publication: Español
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