
« Rituel du chaos ». Stabiliser un espace-temps politique dans une ville en perpétuel mouvement

Julie-Anne Boudreau

Rooted in an ethnography of a countercultural street market in Mexico City (Tianguis cultural del Chopo), this article explores the forms of reticular political engagement that have sedimented since the market began occupying the street some forty years ago. How can we grasp the effects of cultural practices on relationships to space, the long-term nature of territorial constructions and the construction of a political subjectivity? How did this countercultural space-time emerge in the city, and what does it mean for our understanding of politics in a city where popular culture plays an important political role? These are the questions that guide this text. The work is based on an ethnographic approach (participant observation, interviews in the form of life stories, participatory oral history).

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2019

Publisher: L’Espace politique, vol. 39, no. 2

Language(s) of publication: Français

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