
Taller: Metodologías de investigación con archivos comunitarios y educación popular

Désirée Rochat

The purpose of Désirée Rochat’s visit was to contribute to the methodological planning of the collaborative workshops of the case study of “El Tianguis Cultural del Chopo”. The researcher participated in two collective talks with members and founders of the Tianguis and with the Asociación Civil del Tianguis Cultural del Chopo (TCC). These meetings were held at the Vasconcelos Library and addressed different cases of community archives and collective memory reconstruction works. Based on Désirée’s contributions, the research team defined the design of the workshops on the collective memory of the Tianguis Cultural del Chopo and defined the products to be built within the framework of the case study: a book and a web page.

Type of production: Teaching materials

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2018

Publisher: TRYSPACES

Language(s) of publication: Español

Link to the publication:


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