
L’Humain urbain sous le microscope: une bande dessinée pour vulgariser l’observation comme méthode scientifique

Chloé Couvy , Julieane Choquette-Lelarge , Nathalie Boucher

Nathalie Boucher of the organization Respire, Chloé Couvy and Julieane Choquette-Lelarge have elaborated a short comic book in order to “make the science behind observation known to the general public. The objective is to explain how observation can be done with rigor, how it can be complementary to interviews, and how, even practiced “at home”, it can be rich in information.”

Type of production: Comics

Type of production: Teaching materials

City: Montreal

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: TRYSPACES

Language(s) of publication: Français



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