
Involucrar el cuerpo y los afectos de las y los sujetos, investigadores y artistas en la co-construcción de una ciudad cohesionada

Adriana Avila Farfán , Angela Margoth Bacca Mejia , Julie-Anne Boudreau , Laura Ferro Higuera

This chapter articulates a multilevel reflection on the various theoretical and methodological perspectives that have guided the TRYSPACES project in Mexico in general and the way we approached the “subjects of study” and one of the central concepts of the project, transgressions in urban public space. The text reflects on our own research experience, the challenges we faced in maintaining a non-objectivist and horizontal approach with the young people, as well as the tensions that were generated, but also the potential of this form of approach. Finally, we reflect on the extent to which young people in the academy allow themselves to be questioned by this form of research and how it was perceived by young people out there, in the streets of the city where we went to study different modalities of transgression.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: FCPyS-UNAM

Language(s) of publication: Español

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