
From the Margins to the Urban Core: The Think Playgrounds DIY Initiative in Hanoi

Danielle Labbé , G. Larue , J. Allard , M. Bouthaghou-Courtemanche

The Symposium took place in November 2017 in Barcelona. The objective of the Symposium was to bring together experts and citizens in a common place to discuss issues related to dynamic public space, communicate the work developed in the project and share knowledge about active public space from renowned experts and public administration.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Hanoi

Year of publication: 2018

Publisher: Barcelone: Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia.

Publisher: Dans A. Markoupoulou, C. Farinea et M. Marengo (dir.), Responsive Cities Symposium 2017: Active Public Space Conference Proceedings, November 13-14, 2017 (p. 178-185)

Language(s) of publication: English

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