
Pratiques numériques et appartenances des jeunes

Katherine Labrecque , Mélanie Millette , Nicole Gallant

The texts in this bulletin address various themes relating to young people’s digital practices and belonging: the visibility of LGBTQIA+ identities (Millette and Maillard), sociabilities linked to the viewing of television series (Labrecque), the online construction of socio-political universes of reference and belonging (Gallant, Gaudreau and Pitre-Vézina), the appropriation of digital uses (Weirich) or of YouTube as a socionumeric space (Duque), the circulation of food practices on Instagram (Caron-Bouchard) and the uses of social media by young believers concerning sexual practices and representations (de Repentigny-Corbeil and Bourassa-Dansereau).

Type of production: Annual reports and summary sheets

City: Other

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: Bulletin de l’Observatoire Jeunes et Société, vol. 19, no. 1

Language(s) of publication: Français

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