
Que voient les adolescents en ligne? – Socialisation politique et pratiques numériques ordinaires des adolescents au Québec

Alice Gaudreau , Laurence Pitre-Vézina , Nicole Gallant

Political socialization continues throughout life, but is particularly intense during youth. Constructed through interaction with a wide range of socializing agents, it is the process by which the individual acquires the civic dispositions and skills needed to understand and contribute to collective life. The project that is the subject of this publication aimed to observe, in context, what kind of information on current affairs and politics (in the broadest sense, i.e. everything to do with community life) reaches the individual in his or her daily online life, both through deliberate search actions on the individual’s part and by virtue of more accidental exposure to news through interactions (online and offline) with various agents of socialization.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Other

Year of publication: 2023

Publisher: Centre d'études sur les médias

Language(s) of publication: Français

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