
Guía metodológica de relaciones no violentas. Bitácora de una investigación interdisciplinaria y participativa


In this guide, we wish to share some ideas based on our experience, with a gender-sensitive approach and a dialogue between different languages: academic, therapeutic, cartographic and artistic, in order to contribute to the improvement of institutional intervention in the care of young people with self-destructive or violent practices in Mexico City. To this end, we propose a series of gender-focused methodological guidelines that promote violence-free relationships with young people. We begin by explaining our methodological principles, with the concrete activities that enabled us to mobilize our research through artistic expression, memory and mapping. In the second part, we share some of the conceptual keys that guided the methodological proposals presented above: How do we understand violence? How do we approach it? How to work with a gender approach? How can we promote care through alternative masculinities? What does spatial thinking contribute? What is a participatory process? We conclude with a presentation of the biographical maps produced using this methodology. This has enabled us to bring together the socio-spatial complexities which, with their respective power relations – such as gender roles and violence – articulate the multiple ways of inhabiting cities, streets, houses, institutions or the body itself.

Type of production: cartographies

Type of production: Teaching materials

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2021

Publisher: Ciudad de México: SECTEI, IGG-UNAM, FCPYS-UNAM.

Language(s) of publication: Español

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