Emmanuel Bellanger , Hélène Hatzfled , Marie-Hélène Bacqué
To what extent do situations or facts known or experienced by young people from working-class neighborhoods constitute common benchmarks? And then the contributors to the construction of a “we”? The workshops carried out with around a hundred young people from ten popular neighborhoods or towns in Île-de-France highlighted the memorial marking of the attempts of 2001 and 2015 and the football competitions. If the links with the history of working-class neighborhoods are maintained, continuities are affirmed in recent history: those of violent relations with the police and struggles against racism and discrimination in the world. In addition to the construction of a “new”, the dynamics of multiple identifications, possible sources of social awareness, are also striking.
Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters
City: Paris
Year of publication: 2023
Publisher: Agora débats/jeunesses, vol. 1, no. 93
Language(s) of publication: Français
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