Christine Bellavoine , Fanny Salane
This contribution analyzes how the structures and professionals working with young people in working-class neighborhoods, whose practices are based on trust and openness, respond to the sometimes contradictory missions assigned to them. These places, which are part of the neighborhoods and their social fabric, must also act as levers to get out of them. The legitimacy of the professionals working in them is built on a daily basis with the young people, based on local roots and skills. However, this proximity raises the specter of the “big brother” policy, a symbol of unprofessionalism and the confinement of professionals to an identity and a territory from which they must distance themselves.
Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters
City: Paris
Year of publication: 2023
Publisher: Agora débats/jeunesses, vol. 1, no. 93
Language(s) of publication: Français
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