
L’engagement des jeunes dans diverses sphères de la vie

Diane Farmer , Nicole Gallant

Revue Jeunes et Société devoted its vol. 3, no. 2 to youth engagement. The contributions in this issue describe changing representations among young people, where commitment is in some respects conceived in a more intimate and personal way, highlight various structural constraints affecting commitment in young people’s relationship to school, work and family, and finally, in terms of the dimension of commitment to others, highlight a process of self-construction that takes shape in the relationship with others and evokes a renewed call to create a social bond. This second issue of the Revue Jeunes et Société, devoted to the same issue, offers fresh reflections on rethinking commitment and non-commitment among young people, by closely examining social processes, questioning the discourses and contours of the public and the private, and letting the researcher’s imagination run wild. The articles in this second issue of the dossier explore innovative theoretical and conceptual points of view, and conclude with an operational or methodological proposal.

Type of production: Book

City: Montreal

Year of publication: 2019

Publisher: Revue Jeunes et Société, vol. 4, no. 1

Language(s) of publication: Français

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