
Generación 19S. Cartografía afectiva del sismo del 19 de septiembre 2017 en la ciudad de México

Carlos Arturo Castro Reséndiz , Evelyn Mejía López , Julie-Anne Boudreau , Tonalli Romero

Through narrative and participatory mapping, the memory of the actions of young brigadistas after the earthquake of September 19, 2017 in Mexico City is recorded. From the typology of actions, organizational networks, individual and collective trajectories of the brigades, the emotional effects of the experience of being volunteers, and the changes in the use of the city after the earthquake allow us to carry out an analysis of the subjective construction of young people, a comparative analysis with the previous generation that lived through the 1985 earthquake, and also a first approximation of the socio-political impact derived from the participation of the civilian population. It is suggested that voluntary action after the earthquake has allowed the symbolic reconstruction of the city because the action of young people in specific places has produced new emotional places, as well as political subjects. Building places means building the city, a prefigurative and emergent form of political action in a world where urban culture is dominant.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Mexico

Year of publication: 2020

Publisher: Revista Electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales. vol. XXIV, No. 637

Language(s) of publication: Español

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