Angela Margoth Bacca Mejia , Julie-Anne Boudreau
The book constitutes an empirical, theoretical and methodological exploration of the spatial experiences of women who inhabit the city and transgress diverse limits, mainly in Mexico City, but also with two contrasting cases in Bogota and Rio de Janeiro. It contributes to a novel reflection on inter- and transdisciplinarity, focusing in particular on what the “spatial turn” in the social sciences means for geography while taking up feminist epistemologies. At the empirical level, the book as a whole explores the weight of spatial frictions such as borders, distances, or peripheralization, in the transit and habitation of women of diverse social classes, in peripheral and central places, displaced women, women with trajectories of violence, women with healthy bodies and with wounded bodies, creative and transgressive women, women who transform the city. The approaches to this diversity of women’s practices in the cities are based on four basic concepts of geography: borders, trajectories, peripheries and corporeities from a feminist approach, that is, from the subjective and situated experience and from the recognition of the existing gender asymmetries in society. At the methodological level, there is a commitment to a spatialized understanding of the social that leads to the incorporation of different cartographic languages in all the chapters, configuring a cartographic reflection that is systematized in the introduction and invites to make different journeys through the text.
Type of production: Book
City: Mexico
Year of publication: 2022
Publisher: Instituto de Geografía, UNAM.
Language(s) of publication: Español
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