
Cohabitation intergénérationnelle: les jeunes ont besoin d’espaces

Nathalie Boucher , Pham Thi-Thanh Hien

According to a research project on intergenerational cohabitation in Saint-Léonard, young people are not interested in the borough’s parks. Adults and seniors, on the other hand, appreciate them. The report highlights minor conflicts between the generations, attributed to the lack of spaces and activities dedicated to young people. Reasons for this lack of interest include the lack of sports facilities, space for free activities, overuse of existing facilities, and poor grounds maintenance. Young people feel that access to parks is limited due to the priority given to sports clubs. To better integrate young people, it is recommended to increase youth spaces and make sports facilities more accessible. Young people’s activities in the public space are often perceived as incivilities by adults, which may be linked to racial discrimination. Participants suggest mediation workshops and awareness-raising programs to solve these problems.

Type of production: Medias

City: Montreal

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: Journal Métro

Language(s) of publication: Français

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