
Les quartiers populaires, une ressource pour penser l’après

Marie-Hélène Bacqué

This collective work explores the unprecedented planetary crisis and its medium and long-term effects on us and our societies. When a pandemic strikes, the most serious threat is social disorganization. If food stores had closed, if refuse collectors had deserted the streets, if sick carers had stopped treating, if public services had abandoned their posts, then chaos would have set in. And yet, while the state failed, civil society held firm. Unjustly blamed for the spread of the coronavirus, the pangolin invites us to think beyond catching up or reviving the world before. This collective book brings together contributions from intellectuals, artists and activists with a radical critical vision and alternative political thinking. It is a note of hope and optimism for glimpsing and shaping a new imaginary.

Type of production: Scientific articles and chapters

City: Paris

Year of publication: 2020

Publisher: Dessine-moi un pangolin, coordonné par la revue Regards, Au diable vauvert

Language(s) of publication: Français

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